WordPress Maintenance Mode

When installing plugins or updating a WordPress site, be patient. If you interrupt the process, your site may be stuck in maintenance mode. If this happens, all that anyone trying to access your site will see is a message stating that maintenance is underway and to...

How to Prepare Art for Print

If you are interested in preflighting files for print, you’ll want to read my new booklet, Bare Bones Solutions: How to Prepare Art for Print. It’s available on Amazon. When you’re in a hurry to get things done, you don’t have time to waste....

Adobe Color Is Great, But…

Using Adobe Color is a great way to see traditional color harmonies and save them for use in Adobe programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and InDesign. That part is great, but I have a few gripes. I become irritated when programmers make up terms when...

How to Add Email Accounts

When you purchase hosting, email is almost always included. To create email accounts, log into your cpanel then scroll to the Email section. Click Email Accounts. You will then see the Add Email Account screen. It is highly recommended that you create an admin email...